Thursday, November 14, 2019

Did It Just Happen Again?

Every day I check my Dictionary app to learn a new "Word for the Day". Today's word is ipso facto. It means "by the fact itself; by the very nature of the deed". It's a word I use frequently if not often.

That's not the interesting part. As part of explaining the word and its etymology, two examples in written literature or publication are shown. Today's examples were the following and were on my "read next" pile on my desk next to the computer. Eerie...

And from the Dictionary app...

How is ipso facto used?

... the notion that cars made in Germany would ipso facto be better crafted than others ... this would have seemed curious indeed just a generation before.TONY JUDT, POSTWAR: A HISTORY OF EUROPE SINCE 1945, 2005
I had, it seemed, defined myself as a "popular" writer, and if one is popular, then, ipso facto, one is not to be taken seriously.OLIVER SACKS, ON THE MOVE, 2015

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