Monday, February 28, 2022


February is on its way out and once again I find myself with no posts for the month. But I do have an alibi. Our old TV broke last month - or was it early this month - and we finally replaced it with an up-to-date LG 42" LED model that has allowed us to stream channels. And I have to admit that I am guilty of wasting time watching several of my old favorite series as well as some new ones.

I am now happily catching up on Endeavor, Inspector Morse, Foyle's War, and Inspector Murdoch. I can't get INspector Lewis without purchasing PBS Masterpiece  Theatre and I can't justify getting it for only a show or two.

But I have found a few very good series. My new favorite is The Brokenwood Series. It's about a police detective in New Zealand and his station. He likes country music, has had four wives, and is presently single. He dresses slovenly, has a facial growth, and drinks a lot of coffee.

Another series is called "800 Words", about a widower with two teenage children who move from Sydney to Brokenwood, NZ. The characters are engaging, the plots interesting, and I generally find myself confused as to the four or five main female characters' names and jobs are. But I like it.

The last good series, Virgin River, about a female nurse/physician's assistant who relocates from Southern California to a small town (Virgin River) in Oregon. It started off light but has quickly picked up some serious vibes.

I have a few others, but I am trying to keep myself limited. And also watch less so I can get back to my reading.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

This Past Week

 We had a snowfall last weekend. It left us with about 8 inches before you take into account the drifting. Out our front door looked like we were burying a dead body. It was heavy snow with ice afterward.

The next morning it looked like TWO dead bodies were buried out front.

But some young people who always follow their dad when he plows out the driveways in our development - he has the contract - once again did a great job shoveling our walk entrance.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

What's Wrong with This Picture?!

Stockings still up? No. Cat toys moved? Nope? It's the TV. As in it's off. After about 18 years and 3 moves, it has finally given up the ghost. Usually, it is on constantly; if not watching something, it's playing music from Stingray. Yesterday morning it broke before I had my morning coffee. 

So I listened to old records and the PBS radio station. But I also had quite a bit of quiet. It was distinctly different. But in a way, nice.

We now have to schedule a trip to Best Buy. When we first bought this flat screen, it was a Magnavox 42". But now we will be buying a REAL flat-screen - same size - but with the smart capabilities for Internet channels. The Magnavox is about 2 and 1/2 inches thick. The new ones look like they are half that size. Excited. 

But in a way, I like the ability to listen to old LPs, talk radio, and silence. We have over 1,000 music CDs and over 500 DVD movies ( But to watch them I need a TV!).

But we'll have to wait for a couple of days to go shopping. Freezing rain and the possibility of snow are forecasted. In fact, the weather canceled our trip north to PA for our grandaughter Serenity's baptism.

Maybe next month.