Sunday, January 8, 2012

Last Year's Reading Results & The Coming Year's Forecast

It's official.  For my first full year of retirement, I read 104 books.  27 were non-fiction, while 77 were fiction and 67 of those were mysteries.  Considering my past high was 45, this is some accomplichment for me.  This year I want to read more non-fiction.  I have no further desire to break another "most books read" record.  The 100 barrier was reached without rushing and with alot of pleasure. Now that I have said all that, let's see if I can hold myself to it!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Good Day

Welcome to my blog.  Don't know what exactly will go in here, but think it will be just some thoughts that come to mind from time to time.  Some days will probably have more than one entry; other times there will be days between posts.  I will try not to make this a project that turns into work.  I hope you find something worth reading and maybe even responding to me.  Thanks.